

Peter Urlich & Bevan Keys

In 1995, Peter Urlich began a Saturday morning show on student radio station, 95bFM. His initial partner was DJ Phil Clark, however, he was replaced in 1996 by Bevan Keys and the show, Nice'n'Urlich, with it’s mix of Urlich's chat and Key's soulful House Music selection became an instant hit. Often the 2 hosts had come straight from their Friday night club gig and this seemed to resonate with their audience who had been out late themselves.

Taking the show from the studio to the clubs was the next step and their very first date was at a K Rd spot called Herzog. When Peter and Bevan arrived, they were thrilled to see a queue at the front door already. And so, the NnU sound proved hugely popular and for the next decade, Nice'n'Urlich sold out increasingly larger venues.

In 1999 the duo were signed to Simon Grigg's Huh! Records. The four Nice'n'Urlich albums sold over 60,000 albums in New Zealand. Nice'n'Urlich seemed to strike a chord with the public, simultaneously drawing in the dance savvy audience as well as many who were new to the scene but all were attracted to Bevan's unique melodic, funky and soulful selections which were presented and MC'd by Peter who knew how to involve and talk to the crowd.

There had never been an act like them and their parties grew larger and became legendary with a fiercely loyal following. Now their audience even has the children of the original fans! They still perform though only infrequently, and so their events become sold-out drawcards for those who cherish the classic 'golden days' of the NZ dance scene. This year, they celebrate 25 amazing years of performing.